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What are mosquitoes?
Mosquitoes are a type of fly. You can tell them apart from other kinds of flies because of the scales covering their two wings and their long proboscis. These insects use their proboscis to pierce the skin of a host and suck out their blood. Mosquitoes have a slender body, antennae, and long thin legs.
Mosquitoes live in large populations throughout Texas, breeding rapidly and producing more biting mosquitoes each day. Female mosquitoes must consume blood meals from people or animals to complete their life cycles. The protein they gain from blood allows them to develop viable eggs. Mosquitoes thrive in the hot, humid weather that Texas provides.

Are mosquitoes dangerous?
Annoying, biting pests that transmit diseases, mosquitoes are dangerous pests that no one wants swarming around their yards, and prohibiting them from enjoying their outdoor space. In their short life span, a mosquito feeds on many hosts and, during the feeding process, can acquire and transmit a variety of different diseases and pathogens. While not every mosquito that bites you carries a disease, some do, and avoiding as many mosquito bites as possible is important.
West Nile virus, Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE), and St. Louis encephalitis (SLE) are examples of some of the diseases that mosquitoes can spread to people.
In Texas, the spread of parasitic heartworms to our pets is also a significant risk associated with mosquitoes. Any pet not placed on a year-round heartworm preventative is at risk for being infected with these life-threatening parasites.
Why do I have a mosquito problem?
Mosquitoes are flying outdoor pests that will move onto any property that provides them with the things they need to survive. Properties near standing water or that have items in them that fill with water are most likely to experience problems with mosquitoes.
Other things that attract mosquitoes to a property include flowering vegetation. These insects feed on plant nectar as their primary food source. Also, properties with tall grass, weeds, and overgrown trees where they can rest during the heat of the day attract mosquitoes.
Where will I find mosquitoes?
Mosquitoes can travel between one and two miles to search for food sources but are most likely to stay close to where they hatch. It is common to see large groups of mosquitoes swarming around breeding sites (areas of standing water). Some of a female mosquito’s favorite breeding sites and where you are most likely to spot mosquitoes include:
- Hard-sided containers like buckets, plant pots, and trash cans.
- Natural containers like tree stumps, tree hollows, and low-lying areas.
- Woodpiles and brush piles.
- Ponds, marshes, and drainage ditches.
- Densely wooded areas.
How do I get rid of mosquitoes?
Mosquitoes are outdoor pests that are difficult to keep out of our Texas yards. Partnering with a local pest professional is the best way to limit the number of mosquitoes feeding and breeding on your property. At Trees Hurt Too, Inc., we use low to no impact products to control mosquitoes and other pests; we strive to solve pest problems in an environmentally friendly manner.
To learn more about our effective seasonal mosquito control services or to schedule a free consultation, give us a call today and speak with one of our helpful professionals!
How can I prevent mosquitoes in the future?
Limit the chances of your yard becoming a home to mosquitoes with professional lawn care services and by using the following prevention tips:
- Keep gutters clean so they don’t allow rainwater to build up inside of them.
- Fill in low-lying areas that collect water on your property.
- Store containers that collect water inside of a storage building or upside down when not being used.
- Mow the grass in your yard frequently.
- Provide regular care to your yard to rid it of overgrown weeds and shrubs where mosquitoes can rest.
- If you have rain barrels, make sure to keep lids on them at all times.
- Pools and other man-made water features should be well-maintained, with the water circulating constantly.
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